If you have not received proper treatment at your current job, it is important to contact our experienced employment law attorneys. We will investigate and research your situation and give you the proper advice and best course of action.
Your Rights Are Important To Us
With protections guaranteed by Michigan and federal law like the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Michigan Whistleblowers' Protection Act, workers should be assured of a safe and engaging work environment. However, this does not sometimes happen. We are dedicated to working with employees and unions to force employers to comply with these laws.
Labor Law
The attorneys at the Law Offices of Dean T Yeotis also practice labor law, which includes representation of labor unions and employees protected through collective bargaining.
We are the exclusive representation for the Office of Professional Employees International Union Local 393.
Handling Your Workplace Concerns
- Discrimination and harassment
- Women's rights in the workplace
- Retaliation
- Whistleblowing
- Statute of limitations
- Unpaid commissions
- Unemployment compensation
- Severance agreements and contracts